Did you know most medical aids fund home care?
Did you know most medical aids fund home care? MEDSCHEME
Advanced Serious Illness Benefit (SIB): Alignd Managed Health Care Program - usually 336 hours of cancer care / palliative care covered & bi-weekly RN visits / available to Bonitas and Fedhealth members.
Bonitas: The Hospital Benefit Management (HBM) Programme, Home nursing approved in lieu of hospitalisation up to the available benefit = R18 130.
Fedhealth: Out of Hospital Benefit of R19 400 for home care / nursing.
SABC Medical Scheme: Out of Hospital Benefit of R30 150 for home care / nursing.
Advanced Illness Benefit (AIB) specifically for advanced cancer conditions & Compassionate Care Benefit (CCB) for palliative care (other than cancer conditions) between R45 000 - R65 000 benefit per member per lifetime.
Care Coordination Program /after Hospitalisation (CCP)